Improvement Statement Taking Methods and Statement Taking Rooms in the Republic of Turkey
Location – Ministry of Interior, National Police, Ankara, Turkey


1. Publication reference


2. Procedure

Local Open

3. Programme

The National Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Programme for Turkey-2002

4. Financing

Joint co-financing
EC Contribution - Budget Line B7-050 (75%) and National Contribution (25%)

5. Contracting authority

Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU)

6. Contract description

Renovation of statement taking rooms (30) in different areas of Turkey: Construction of double-layer walls for sound-proofing, The layering of these walls with a soft material to avoid suspects causing any physical damage to themselves, Installment of microphones in the room for optimum sound registration, Construction of a mirrored wall and a separate section with a separate entrance for suspect identification by witnesses and/or victims.

7. Indicative number and titles of Lots

One or more lots according to the defined areas

8. Intended timing of publication

Second quarter of 2003

9. Additional information

The award of this contract is subject to the accreditation of the CFCU by the European Commission.

10. Legal basis

Council Regulation Nr. (EC) 2500/2001 of 17 December 2001 concerning pre-accession financial assistance for Turkey and amending regulations (EEC) No. 3906/89, (EC) No. 1267/1999, EC) No. 1268/1999 and EC No 555/2000.


There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this contract forecast and the publication of the corresponding procurement notice.
No applications or requests for further information should be sent at this stage.